Vuelex Advisory Portfolios

Advisory Portfolios

  1. Advisory Portfolios


Advisory Portfolios

Consulting You First

Some people choose to take a more direct involvement in the management of their investment portfolios, and our advisory service caters to those individuals. While still benefitting from the same high-quality insight, research, and analysis as the discretionary service, this option provides those that want it with much more involvement in the day-to-day decision-making process that impacts their investment portfolio.

Taking Overall Control

With the advisory portfolio service, all proposed investment transactions will be referred to you, and your authorization will be sought before any action is taken. This means you have complete discretion over what changes are made to your portfolio, although, if you are uncontactable, perhaps on holiday or traveling on business when decisions need to be made to either buy or sell, the opportunity at hand may be missed which could negatively impact the performance of your portfolio. This is a downside of this service that you should be aware of.

Some of the benefits of the advisory service include:

  Total Transparency: With the advisory service, your account manager will consult you about the reasoning underpinning any proposed changes and must obtain your consent before executing trades.
  Dispassionate Investing: Our team employs a disciplined and unemotional approach to investment decisions, eliminating sentiment from their recommendations before your consent to proceed is sought.
  Expertise: The advisory service gives you insight into the thinking behind the proposed transaction and the research that underpins it.
  Transfer of Knowledge: The service's close two-way communication provides the opportunity for clients to better understand the behind the scenes effort that goes into the investment decisions made by a leading investment management company.
  Accessibility: In addition to online access to your account, regular communication, and reviews, we provide transaction statements and portfolio valuations, which enable you always to know how your portfolio is performing.

Fulfill Your Financial Potential

Partnering With Us

Partnering With Us

As your partner in wealth preservation, protection and growth, scheduling appropriate time to listen to our clients is not a simply a service requirement – it's central to understanding our clients and doing what’s right for them.


Investment Integrity

Whether you're motivated by personal, business, or moral ideals, are looking to minimize potential risks or comply with regulations – our responsible investing approach takes into account what matters most to you.


Client Charter

As a client of Vuelex, you have every expectation of receiving exceptional levels of service and our complete attention at all times. We set ourselves high standards of service delivery.


Being A Client

Becoming a client of Vuelex could not be a more straightforward process. We firmly stand behind our belief in the value of nurturing long-lasting relationships with our clients.

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